Frequently asked Questions
What is a home inspection?
A home inspection is a non-invasive examination of the condition of a home, often in connection with the sale of that home. It is carried out by a home inspector who has special equipment and training to carry out such inspections. A home inspection is important because it allows the consumer to make an informed decision about buying or selling a home. A thorough inspection will typically include the roof, basement, crawl space, attic, heating and cooling system, plumbing, electrical, foundation and other aspects of the structure.
Q: What is included in your typical home inspection?
A: Our regular home inspections include the following elements: Foundation, Structural,
Exterior Grading, Exterior Roof, Heating & Cooling, Attic, Insulation & Ventilation, Electrical, Plumbing, and Interior (Including installed appliances & searches for evidence of mold).
Q: Do you inspect for mold?
A: We do include a search for evidence of mold. If we discover water damage, evidence of moisture with our invasive moisture meters, or visual mold growth on surfaces, we will refer you to one of our business partners to conduct a full mold evaluation. The full mold evaluation may include an air quality survey (additional fees apply).
Q: Do you inspect for Termites?
A: We do not perform termite inspections. The state of Georgia requires a specialized license with additional training to complete these types of inspections. We have decided to leave this part of the inspection to the experts in that field. If you would like to have a termite inspection, we will contact our licensed termite inspector to perform this aspect of the inspection. Our termite inspector typically inspect at the same time that we do.
Q: How long does a typical home inspection take?
A: The typical home inspection takes between 3 and 4 hours on site.
Q: How far in advance do I need to request an appointment?
A: With our full staff of Inspectors, we can book your appointment with 24 hours notice. Due to the nature of a typical Real Estate Transaction today, cancellations and postponements also provide us with availability for same day appointments. Please call us if you need to book a rush appointment.
Q: How soon after the inspection will I receive my completed report?
A: Our typical turnaround time is 24-48 hours after the inspection. With our advanced technology, we deliver our reports electronically. This speeds up the delivery process and allows you to review your completed report and make informed decisions without having to wait for a paper copy.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of my report?
A: Your report will be delivered via email and also uploaded to our database.. However, we do not release reports until payment is received in our office.
Q: How can I pay for my inspection?
A: We accept cash, check, money order or credit.
Q: Do I need a Termite Inspection?
A: We encourage clients to obtain a termite inspection. You should consider that many components of your home are still wood construction (roof trusses, window frames, door frames, etc.).
Most Common Defects

Thompson Home Inspections, Interesting Discoveries Revealed During Routine Home Inspections
Common Defects
No house is perfect! Even the best built and best maintained homes will always have a few items in less than perfect condition. Below are some of the items we most commonly find when inspecting a home:
Roofing Problems With roofing material are the single most common defect we find. Usually it doesn't mean the roof needs replaced, simply that it is in need of maintenance or repair.
Ceiling stains Caused by past or present leaks, ceiling stains are very common. It can be difficult to tell whether the stains are from leaks still present, or were caused by leaks which have since been repaired.
Electrical hazards Most common in older homes, but often found in newer homes as well. Electrical hazards come in many forms, from ungrounded outlets to wiring done incorrectly by the homeowner.
Rotted wood Caused by being wet for extended periods of time, most commonly found around tubs, showers and toilets inside, or roof eaves and trim outside.
Water heater installations Many water heaters are not installed in full compliance with local plumbing code.
Gas furnace Most gas furnaces seem to be in need of routine maintenance such as new filters or gas company certification at the least. Many have other issues such as faulty operation or inadequate fire clearance as well.
Plumbing defects Plumbing issues commonly found include dripping faucets, leaking fixtures, slow drains etc... Even in brand new homes, it is common to identify minor plumbing defects.